miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

6.- The Muscular System - Parts Of The System

Parts Of The System:

The three types of muscles:

- Skeletal muscle: This muscle creates any kind of movement. There are more than 600 skeletal muscles and constitutes 40% of body weight of our body.
All body muscles work together to move the skeleton and are voluntary, controlled by conscious thought.

- Cardiac Muscle: Conforming the walls of the heart and pumps blood to the whole body. This type of muscle creates electrical impulses that produce heart contractions can affect hormones and the nervous system stimuli, such as when our heart rate increases is when we are afraid.

- Smooth Muscle: It is composed of hollow organs such as respiratory ducts, blood vessels, stomach ... Just as the heart muscle smooth muscle also contracts with stimuli and nerve impulses. 




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