jueves, 21 de julio de 2016

3.- The Respiratory System - Organs And Functions

Organs And Functions:

Nasal Cavity: Filters and purifies the air by removing any dust, pollen ...

Pharynx: The air and food can pass meaning through the pharynx.

Larynx: If any food passes through the esophagus, larynx causes coughing.

Windpipe: Filter the air we breathe and goes directly into the bronchi.

Bronchial tubes: Two tubes where air passes and divide to go directly into the lungs.

Lungs: The organ that stores oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide and red blood cells distribute oxygen throughout the body.

Alveolo: It's like a small bag inside the lungs.

Diaphragm: Contracts to amplliar space within the chest cavity.





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