lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

8.- The Skeletal System - Diseases


- Arthritis: Is inflammation of the joints and affects principalmentee to mobile joints. There are two possible ways:
Osteoarthritis: Is the wear of the bones and joints as time passes.
If a person is obese you can accelerate osteoarthritis. Over time the tissues that help move joints and wear rompern causing bone spurs, joint space narrowing, inflammation and pain.
Autoimmune arthritis: This occurs when the body attacks itself and damages articualciones causing severe joint destruction and chronic weakness.

- Osteoporosis: Age, hormone status and balanced diet are importantespara prevent osteoporosis.
The bones become weak and the progression, are more prone to fracture.

- Rickets / osteomalacia: It is more efectados in adults caused by lack of calcium, vitamin D and phosphate. The bones soften and become weaker lose its normal shape.


domingo, 31 de julio de 2016

8.- The Skeletal System - Organs And Functions

Organs And Functions:

- Bones: Our human body is composed of 206 bones that provides support, protection and estenunidos muscles.

- Joints and Ligaments: Ligaments are conpuestos by fibrous tissue that connects one bone to another bone. As the joints are fixed, it allows the bone to move in all directions.

- Tendons: Also attach muscles to bones, they are more flexible to provide more movement.
The contraction of the tendon pulls the end of bone (which is attached) and causes the bone to move.

- Cartilage: It is a soft and flexible fabric. Prevents the bones rub against each other. They can also be damaged or infected and cause the joint is swollen and tender.


8.- The Skeletal System - General System Function

General System Function:

The human skeletal system is composed of 206 bones as tendons, ligaments and cartilage instead consist of 98 animals bones. Its main functions are to support the whole body, movement, protection to other organs of the body, produce red blood cells ...
It depends if you are male or female bones are arranged differently. The female pelvis is flatter and rounded (for the childbirth), the male pelvis is about 90 degrees or less, in canvio the female is about 100 degrees or more.

The skeleton has two parts:

- Axial Skeleton: It has 80 bones and is composed of the skull, spine and ribcage. It helps the body is upright.

- Appendicular skeleton: It has 126 bones and is composed lacintura scapular, upper extremity, pelvic girdle and lower extremities. They are used to walking, running and other movements.


viernes, 29 de julio de 2016

7.- The Reproductive System - Diseases


Diseases of the male system:

- Hydrocele: Fluid accumulation is located in one or both testicles. This will cause the groin or scrotum swell. Hydroceles are more common in babies.

- Swelling in the scrotum
- Swelling when at rest
- Swelling but remains the same

- Varicocele: The variscosas veins in the scrotum are enlarged. Most varioceles occur on the left side and the rest on both sides. Usually this happens at puberty.

- A testicular tumor
- Testicles that are different in size
- Swollen veins in the scrotum
- Heavy feeling or uncomfortable

- Hypospadias: This is when the meatus (opening) is not on the tip of the penis. The hole can be anywhere along the underside of the penis. Normally the meatus is located near the tip of the penis.

- Opening of the urethra at the tip of the penis
- Descending curve of the penis
- Hood appearance of the penis
- Spray abnormal during urination

Diseases of the female system:

- Endometriosis: This is a painful, chronic disease where the tissue lining the uterus is found outside. When this misplaced tumors or lesions that respond to mentrual cycle, the tissue breaks down it develops.

- Pain before and during periods
- sterility
- Fatigue
- Painful urination

- Uterus Prolapse: The cause is when labor was hard work, some women and other pelvic muscles weaken. Also when a woman gets older and the natural loss of the hormone estrogen, the uterus can fall into the vaginal canal.

- Heaviness in the pelvis
- Low back pain
- The tissue is protruding from the vagina
- Urinary problems

- Pelvic Inflammatory disease: is an infection in the female reproductive organs. The pelvis is in the lower abdomen including the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and uterus.

- Having sex and be under the age of 25 years
- Having sex with more than one person
- Having sex without a condom
- Hereditary


jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

7.- The Reproductive System - Process Of The System

Process Of The System:

When a man's sperm is fertilized inside (either through sexual intercourse or artificial insemination) the woman's ovum takes all necessary to produce children material.

During pregnancy, women will go through several internal signals before the typical "baby belly" begins to show. These signals are the body's reactions to the hormones generated during the process of fertilization.
As the fetus develops, the woman's body will prepare for the birth process, which includes the extension of the symphysis pubis.
Vaginal delivery is the most common form of delivery, but the use of cesarean section (removal of the child through surgical abdomen of the mother) is increasing.


7.- The Reproductive System - Organs And Functions

Organs And Functions:

Male Reproductive Organs:

- Penis: The male organ used in sex. It consists of three parts: the root: found in the abdominal wall. The body and glans is the part that gives shape to the penis.

- Scrotum: It's like a leather pouch containing the testicles, many nerves and blood vessels. The scrotum acts as an air conditioning system because the testes should be at a temperature colder than the body temperature.

- Testicles: The testiuclos are responsible for testosterone, which is the principal male sex hormone. Most men have two testicles.

Scrotum And Testicles
- Epididymo: It's like a long tube that rests on top of each testicle. Transports and stores sperm (producing cells in the testes).

- Urethra: Is a long tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body.

- Seminal vesicles: They are like bags that are attached to the vas deferens near the bladder. It provides sperm with a source of energy to help them move.

Female Reproductive Organs:

- Labia majora: Enclose and protect the other external reproductive organs.

- Minor Lips: It is located inside the labia majora and surround the openings of the vagina and urethra.

- Bartholin Glands: They are next to the vaginal opening and produce a fluid secretion.

- Vagina: A canal linking the cervix to the outside of the body.

- Uterus: A hollow pear-shaped, which is where the fetus will develop organ.

- Ovaries: They have oval shape located on each side of the uterus. The ovaries produce eggs and hormones.

- Fallopian tubes: These are narrow tubes that are attached to the top of the uterus and serve as tunnels for the ova.


7.- The Reproductive System - General System Function

General System Function:

The reproductive system is a set of internal and external organs that work together to reproduce. The main functions of the human reproductive system are: producing ovum or espematozoides (depending on whether you are male or female), to transport and maintain cells, nourish the young in developing, producing hormones.
Most of the male reproductive system is outside the body and the female inside.
